Yuma Facility

The Southwest Oncology Centers radiation treatment facility in Yuma, with our TomoTherapy equipment, is located at 1951 W 25th Street (see map below). Our team’s Medical Oncology and Hematology services are nearby at 1385 S Pacific Avenue (see map below). Collaborative services, including laboratory testing and diagnostic imaging studies, are all available on site or in close proximity.

More info about Radiation Oncologists Dr. Levy and  Dr. Grado and Medical Oncologist Dr. Charles can be found within Our Cancer Specialists section, or by clicking their names in this sentence. Telephone contact for Radiation Oncology: (928) 314-9200. Telephone contact for Medical Oncology: (928) 314-1174.

Map for SWOC’s Yuma Radiation facility

Map for SWOC’s Yuma Medical-Oncology facility

Map showing both Radiation & Medical-Oncology facilities

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